
What no one’s teaching your child and how to get them unstuck general art blogs tips for parents Dec 12, 2023

I could draw my favorite characters from memory. Almost to perfection. I had drawn them hundreds of times.

There was just one problem…

I could only draw them in the same exact pose that I...

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The key to confidence πŸ—οΈ general art blogs Dec 09, 2023

Many well-intentioned parents think that if we can just be encouraging enough, that our kids will be more confident.

That if we say enough positive things, then our child will suddenly be more...

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Your child is learning more now than in school general art blogs Jul 27, 2023



Why summer is the BEST time for an education



Is your summer flying by?

It sure feels that way over here.

We’ve taken a couple of trips, spent a lot of time in...

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Reviving the Childlike Spirit: How Drawing Cartoons Keeps Our Kids Curious, Creative, and Joyful general art blogs Jul 22, 2023

This summer I spent a lot of time in the creeks of East Tennessee with my two-year-old, catching salamanders.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my own child happy.

My daughter Elliana and I...

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How to Get Your Kids to Draw for 20 Minutes a Day general art blogs tips for parents Nov 04, 2022



Art is a great way to keep kids entertained, occupied, and in a curious, learning state of mind. But it requires consistency in order to get the most out of the practice, and many...

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